IT Strategic Planning

IT strategy is a long-term plan outlining how an organization will utilize technology to achieve its goals and objectives. It involves aligning technology with business strategy to ensure technology investments align with business priorities. An effective IT strategy should provide a roadmap for technology investments, outlining how they will create business value and support the organization’s growth and development. IT strategy typically takes the form of a written document. This document serves as a blueprint for the organization’s IT initiatives and helps to ensure that everyone is aligned on the overall IT direction.​”

-Souragh Hajela, executive director – CIO Strategies

Keys to success

Campuswide shared vision

Develop and implement a campuswide technology strategy that is based upon a shared vision of IT at Illinois that aligns our work to the university’s Boldly Illinois 2030 framework.


Change the way we work together to build mutual trust and leverage our local expertise. 

Implement and annualize

Create a reusable system and methodology for IT strategic planning that is inclusive, transparent, measurable and tightly coupled to the university’s mission and values. 

Measure and adjust

Develop and implement benchmarks and outcomes to measure the success of our efforts.

We want your feedback

Your questions and feedback are vital to the success of this effort. If you have questions or feedback about this work, please complete the feedback form. The project team will review submissions weekly.